Perioperative Care
San Francisco VA Health Care System ORTHOPEDICS
‘Hospitalist’ physicians (internists) help care for veterans in the hospital when there are active or complicated medical issues following a surgery. They work collaboratively with the inter-disciplinary team to provide high-quality, compassionate, and patient-centered care. Hospitalists are also very active in research and teaching as well as quality and patient safety initiatives. They each hold a faculty appointment at UCSF and many have leadership roles in the VA and at the university.

For more about our SFVA Hospialist Physicians & Services click HERE

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We offer a comprehensive perioperative medicine clinic for patients undergoing large orthopedic surgeries with multiple complicated medical issues or frail and/or older adults. We help patients prepare themselves and optimize their health by working together with geriatrics, physical therapy, occupational therapy, social work, and other services. Our clinic may see you well before your surgery if referred by your PCP--or afterwards to help address medical issues following discharge.